In-tray Electrical Test Handler
In-tray Electrical Test Handler An automated in-tray electrical tester designed to measure & analyse the electrical characteristics of components such as optical modules, integrated circuits
Home / Equipment / Semiconductor Machines And Manufacturing Equipment / Packaging and Assembly / Customized Solutions / PM51-OPS Optics Component Sorter
A pick & place concept handler designed to fully automate the sorting process for optics components. For instance, the sorter will sort 3 different grades of optics components to 3 different output trays depending on their widths & lengths by using high accuracy top & bottom vision. It is also capable of performing Cosmetic Inspection to ensure quality assurance of the optics components before sorting.
In-tray Electrical Test Handler An automated in-tray electrical tester designed to measure & analyse the electrical characteristics of components such as optical modules, integrated circuits
PM51-V Bin Sorter It is a universal handler which is designed to sort different grades of modules to different trays according to their test results.
PM51-OPR Optics Component Reconstruction A Pick & place platform handler designed to fully automate the process of reconstructing optics components into any customized carrier in
4JMSolutions (Malta) Ltd. was founded in 2008 on a solid base of international servicing and more than 25 years of high end industrial experience. Based on the solid principal of providing solutions where the equipment offered is a biproduct of the solution.